Textiles prints

From one piece we print T-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, baby bodysuits, canvas bags, etc. We use a modern transfer printing technique to print t-shirts. Give your loved ones a gift with an original print. There are no limits to your imagination :)Ceník i poptávkový formulář nalezenete níže na této stránce.


fill in the details below and we will send you a quotation including a preview of the print on your chosen textile.

Please write in the box below:

1.) what kind of textile you are interested in (t-shirt, polo shirt, sweatshirt, canvas bag) - you can find an overview HERE

2.) what colour and size (except for the canvas) you are interested in

3.) what size of print you are interested in A6, A5, A4 - on the chest, on the back

4.) in the attachment please insert a file with the print design - ideally in .pdf format or as an image in .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif format.

Poptávka potisku textilu

PRICE LIST FOR WHITE TEXTILE PRINTING (including VAT, without textile price)

A6                                                    69,- Kč
A5                                                     115,-Kč
A4                                                    185,-Kč
Larger format                             price negotiable

PRICE LIST FOR COLOUR TEXTILE PRINTING (including VAT, without textile price)

A6                                                    85,- Kč
A5                                                    145,-Kč
A4                                                   230,-Kč
Larger format                            price negotiable 

All prices are valid for printing up to 5 pieces. For larger numbers the price is negotiable.